What lies at the intersection of Vulnerability & Strength?

a Jon Earle multi-media project titled: featherStrength

Jon Earle Portrait

“A feather alone, can change itself. Feathers together can SOAR!”

For the past two decades, I’ve explored sustainability and resilience through the creation of films, books, the spoken word, and now… visual art. Each medium has helped me understand, process and express the balance between vulnerability and strength.

Previous projects include a 12,000 km bike expedition focused on sustainability; an award-winning film about endurance; a picture guidebook on authentic decision making; a children’s book series titled KAKA; a documentary on happiness; an educational series on citizenship; and a filmfestival screened portrait of a craftsman.

Becoming the father and carer of a child with a rare disease has deeply transformed my life. Her severe learning limitations and heightened sensitivity demand a 24/7 focus on being present for her needs, ‘here and now’.

Although she is vulnerable, she’s also incredibly strong… the inspiration for a feather.

I am excited to introduce this new resilience exploration project - #featherStrength This project begins exploring the intersection of vulnerability and strength.

Who am I?


featherStrength is a multi-media exploration of resilience through the lenses of strength and vulnerability.

This featured series of five panels invites viewers to reflect on their own journey, to explore the strength found in fragile moments, and connect with the stories that unite us.

Be part of the featherStrength journey.
As a featherStrength documentary is created, you too can join in. Gain behind the scenes insights, participate in the project’s ongoing development and reflect on your own experiences. This is more than a project, it’s a shared exploration of resilience.

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